Understanding Change - Albert De Goias
- A Personal and Professional Management Strategy
We live in times of great change-a time when our personal strengths are stretched, sometimes even to the breaking point. The results are disheartening. Many of us fail at our jobs and our relationships; others become addicted to substances or activities that offer only temporary respite. In Understanding Change, Dr. Albert de Goias offers a formula to manage people and situations that can help you gain a greater drive to accomplish goals, relate to others and lead effectively during times of great stress and crisis.
Dr. de Goias, a psychotherapist and founder of an addictions management facility, shares his innovative process that illustrates how to regain personal strength and belief in self, offers ways to identify inconsistencies and events before they become problems, encourages self-accountability and provides the guidance to help create a unique life path. While explaining his formula step by step, Dr. de Goias also examines the power of thought, identifies resources to deal with change and teaches how to use criticism to our advantage.
Understanding Change shares a powerful strategy that can help you secure personal strength and achieve inner peace in an ever-evolving, unpredictable world.
EAN: 9781475970289