Return of the Hummingbird Wizard - Robert Joseph Ahola
- An Angelic Encounter for Modern Times
As surely as I begin this chronicle, I remain firm in the conviction that every day of our lives we encounter angels unaware. It is a blessing for us to receive them. Even more so, it s a challenge for us to recognize them and bring them into the fold of our experience.
Of course, it s the nature of their subtle grace that they seldom proclaim who they are. That is done to protect us. Otherwise we might consume ourselves in the fire of our own expectation. Every moment of every day is a gift in waiting to let us see this world more clearly and what our role is to be. That s our contract with this life. That is our soul's design. But let us hear the music — please! — and let us dance in the days, with our angels in whatever forms they take. For Heaven is our destiny, and what goes on until then is found in the hidden poetry of living.
That was this wizard's lesson: Take joy in what you do, or surely what you do will take its toll. All creatures are our teachers and its legacy to me was simply to save my life, and to give me the courage to complete its exquisite design.
EAN: 9781604144895