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Upshur Hard Justice - Otis Morphew

Upshur Hard Justice - Otis Morphew

67,65 zł
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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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Bill Upshur, and his friend, Rodney Taylor Had been gone for more than thirty days on Marshal Taylor's last assignment,...his very last assignment. Because he had already made the decision to resign once the assignment was over. As it turned out, it was a far from routine last job, as they were taking escaped, condemned convicts back to Judge Isaac Parker to be hanged. Before it was over, they were forced to fight for their lives, because there were others who wanted to free them again. But you have already read the accounts of this last mission. It was time for a long rest now, and they both longed to be home again to see their family....But that was not to be the happy reunion they were hoping for. Upshur's adopted father had been shot by a wanted gunslinger, a killer that also stole the aging man's pet horse. As was his way, and the rules he lived by, Upshur could not let this senseless deed go unpunished. He vowed to track this killer down, and would find him whatever it took,...trailing him for more than a hundred miles. But there, he was shot for his trouble, almost killed by the very gunman he was hunting. But it would not end there, not for Upshur! Near death at first, he recovered enough to go after the young gunman again. Only now, Rodney Taylor had come into the picture and together, would once again try and complete another assignment,...one even more deadly than the previous one. Because Upshur would be facing a killer, that some believed was as fast with a gun as he was,...or faster! Every one in Paris, Texas was up in arms, because the Killer had shot the Town's most loved citizen. Doc. Bailey Helped to build the town of Paris, was there when it was surveyed, delivered the babies that would make Paris the city it had become. He had touched every man, woman and child in town in so many ways. They all were waiting for Upshur to take their revenge on this man,...as they were all his family, too!

EAN: 9781490752884
Kod produktu
Otis Morphew
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