Trading Volatility Using Correlation, Term Structure and Skew - Seth Goldman
- Learn to successfully trade VIX, UVXY, TVIX, VXXB & SVXY
Trading Volatility Using Correlation, Term Structure and Skew: Learn to successfully trade VIX, UVXY, TVIX, VXXB ' SVXY
If you wanted to learn more about Trading Volatility - tickers like UVXY, TVIX, VXXB ' SVXY then this book is for you. The book discusses how the VIX related ETFs/ETNs are priced and introduces you to an innovative ' logical strategy of portfolio carrying UVXY, VXXB ' TVIX shorts long-term, and credit spreads with options. The book discusses why going long volatility is generally unwise.
The book explains 'risk management'.
One of the best resources out there for the volatility community.
About the Author
Seth Goldman is a portfolio manager within the Multi-Asset Strategy Group at Interactive Investment.
Goldman has previously worked at Banco Santander as Head of Quantitative and Derivative Strategy, and Barclays Capital. Goldman studied Mathematics and Electrical Engineering and Finances at Stanford University.
EAN: 9789563101232