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Homemade Keto Soup Cookbook - Jane Elizabeth

Homemade Keto Soup Cookbook - Jane Elizabeth

  • Fat Burning & Delicious Soups, Stews, Broths & Bread.
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Soups and stews are the perfect winter warmers and comfort food. Full of flavor, emotionally satisfying and nourishing to the soul. Keto soups and stews are simple to make (no need to spend hours pouring over the stove), budget-friendly, and perfect for keto prep for quick and easy lunches and dinners.

The Homemade Keto Soup ' Stew cookbook is packed with hearty classics, nostalgic favorites and provides keto twists on foods you did not think you would get to enjoy again. All using affordable and easy to find ingredients and being true to your keto lifestyle.

Keto Soups ' Stews cookbook brings you the best comfort foods made keto and low-carb friendly, with:

  • guides to tailoring recipes to your own taste palette. How to make your soups creamier, along with recommended flavour combinations to spice up any recipe.
  • full of time-saving tips and pointers, including short cut guides to making the most of your slow cooker or instant pot and how to store your meals for later.
  • keto-friendly recipes - all recipes under 5g of net carbs per serving, helping to enjoy and stick to you keto or low-carb diet.
  • recipes for all occasions from spicy winter warmers like Spicy Lime-Cilantro Soup and No Bean Chili to refreshing and light flavors of Creamy Cilantro ' Lime Soup and Yoghurt ' Dill.
  • inventive ‘Quick ' Easy Soups-5 Ingredients or Less’. A chapter dedicated to getting the most amount of flavor, out of the fewest ingredients and with the least amount of effort.
  • keto breads and side dishes. Soups and stews would not be the same without (low carb) homemade bread to ensuring your plate is clean and your belly happy.

Elizabeth Jane brings you the perfect homemade comfort cookbook to help you on your keto or low-carb diet. Bringing you the perfect time-saving recipes for meal prepping the week ahead and storing them in the fridge or freezer or just enjoying the lush creamy keto comforts.

Whether you are a lover of soups and stews or just want meals which are delicious, quick and easy to prepare, the Homemade Keto Soup ' Stew book is for you.

EAN: 9781999322526
Kod produktu
Jane Elizabeth
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