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Here There and Everywhere Book III - Michael Gorman E

Here There and Everywhere Book III - Michael Gorman E

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Here, There ' Everywhere III is actually book two in the continuing saga of Tanner Donavan and his family. This time they will be doing battle with a large, worldwide, clandestine organization, called Trident.  Trident is in the information business. They gather information and sell it to the highest bidder. They also, at times, keep the information and use it to improve their bottom line. Trident does this by manipulating the situation to their financial benefit. They are willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish that goal. They do not hesitate to eliminate any one who poses a threat to the organization. Tanner Donavan and his twin spirit G will do just that. By gathering information for the FBI and the CIA, they cut into Trident’s operation and effectively hurt their bottom line. Trident makes the decision to eliminate the competition. Tanner Donavan would have to go. Tridents first objective is to find out how Tanner is able to gather his information, thing even they are unable to find out. This time there will be no warning and the Donovans will again find themselves in a life and death struggle with another powerful organization bent on their destruction.    

EAN: 9780990781349
Kod produktu
Michael Gorman E
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4.81 / 5.00 8132 opinii
Zaufane Opinie IdoSell
Very good communication and quick delivery!
Szybko, dobrze, bardzo kompetentni ludzie. Towar zgodny z zamówieniem. Bardzo polecam.