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The New Jewish Mandate (Vol. 2, Lipstick and War Crimes Series) - Ray Songtree
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The New Jewish Mandate (Vol. 2, Lipstick and War Crimes Series) - Ray Songtree

  • Renouncing the Money Changers
Cena regularna177,64 zł
176,73 zł
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The New Jewish Mandate : Renouncing the Money Changers is the Jewish Edition of Vol. 2 of the Lipstick and War Crimes Series by Ray Songtree, with special introduction for friends and critics of Israel.

From David Ben Gurion to the Grammy award Divas, with over 350  color images, Vol 2 is a provocative exposé of our undiscussed social engineering. Does social engineering weaken our moral judgement and our ability to assess our impact on world? Who profits? Who is shaping us?

“He brings dry to wet and wet to dry … no genre works to describe it.” – Sandra Bains

“Finally spirit for environmentalists and down to Earth talk for New Age.” – Jose Rodriguez

“The narratives in our heads are not ours!” – Debbie Lee

Cast of Characters : “Golda Meir, Britain’s Got Talent, Lady Gaga,
Walt Disney, Whitney Houston, Martin Luther King, Jennifer Lopez, Henry Kissinger, X-Factor,
chemtrails, Queen Elizabeth, Adam Lambert, Native Americans, Michael Jackson, Simon Cowell,
Bush Sr., cell phone dangers, Britney Spears, Bill Gates, Jay Z, “Sir” Collin Powell, Edward
Snowden, The Madonna Operation, Christina Aguilera, Lord Rothschild, Rihanna, the Rockefellers,
Karl Marx, Will Smith, Cynthia McKinney, Beyoncé, “Sir” Alan Greenspan, Elton John, the Ebola
Operation, Anderson Cooper, Sesame Street, Nicki Minaj, Nelson Mandela, Hollywood, “Sir” Tom
Jones, Will I Am, Obamacare, ISIS, and more.

“Tricia Jenkins, author of The CIA In Hollywood, told DailyMail.com she
has recently acquired new evidence showing how the CIA worked off-the-books to influence
Hollywood scripts to an extent never previously known. She said: ‘In this documentation, concerning
one major Hollywood movie, it is clear that the CIA functioned as the principle partner
in shaping the original script and its influence exceeded that which would have been filled by an
aggressive producer or studio executive.’”

Confused about the script?  You won't be!

EAN: 9781941293256
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Jeżeli powyższy opis jest dla Ciebie niewystarczający, prześlij nam swoje pytanie odnośnie tego produktu. Postaramy się odpowiedzieć tak szybko jak tylko będzie to możliwe. Dane są przetwarzane zgodnie z polityką prywatności. Przesyłając je, akceptujesz jej postanowienia.
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