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73 Low Sodium Meal Recipes - Joe Correa
AutorzyJoe Correa
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73 Low Sodium Meal Recipes - Joe Correa

  • No Matter What Your Medical Condition, These Recipes Will Help You Reduce Your Sodium Intake
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73 Low Sodium Meal Recipes: No Matter What Your Medical Condition, These Recipes Will Help You Reduce Your Sodium Intake

By Joe Correa CSN


Sodium chloride is a mineral substance that plays an important role in fluid balance in our body. Lower intake of sodium will prevent the accumulation of larger amounts of fluid around your heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs.

A low-sodium diet is actually very simple, but extremely healthy and helpful to our organism. The biggest source of sodium is salt, and we basically eat it every day in different ways. This diet is especially recommended for people over 50, and with kidney problems or other health issues (Including high blood pressure).

Most of the time people are concerned about the amounts of sugar in their diet, but large amounts of salt can also cause some serious health problems.

Following a low-sodium diet actually means just one simple thing: eliminating salt shaker out of your dining table! A low-sodium diet is often recommended by physicians for chronic kidney diseases, cardiovascular problems, and high blood pressure patients.

Low sodium doesn't have to be low in taste! These recipes will give you an entirely new definition of flavor and will taste great.

The best advice I can possibly give you is to taste your food while cooking. Don't be afraid to play with ingredients, it's fun and you can come up with some unique seasoning mixes created just for you. Add your favorite herbs and spices and make it special for your family! Whatever your option might be, remember that mother nature has given us everything we need for a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle; you just need to discover new flavors and ways to prepare different foods!

EAN: 9781635312034
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