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Modern Ketogenic Diet - Elliot Cutting

Modern Ketogenic Diet - Elliot Cutting

  • Using the High-Fat And Low-Carb Hack Through The Keto Diet To Shred Fat And Feel Healthy Again (Rapid Weight Loss, Meal Plans, Healthier Lifestyle)
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Modern Ketogenic Diet


Do you feel like no matter how hard you try and no matter how many different diets you go on – You always seem to be stuck at the same old weight?


Would you like to lose weight and feel better while eating your favourite foods?


If so, then keep reading…


The Ketogenic Diet or the Keto Diet as most would say is a simple food plan that’s realistic and one that can actually be followed long term.


Why’s that you ask?... Well the Keto diet isn’t filled with plain, boring meals such as lettuce and fruit and you will actually realise that the meals can be tastier than your favourite fast food restaurants.


The high Fat, Low Carb diet is an alternative approach to not just only losing weight, but for those seeking a healthier lifestyle.


I take it you’ve followed countless diets without seeing any proper results, right?

Well here now on you can watch the fat float away while you’re in disbelief in how easy it was.


Lose 5 pounds a week and Naturally burn the fat just by eating the right foods.


You’ll be happy to know Celebrities and Famous Athletes such as Vanessa Hudgens and Lebron James have made the Keto Diet a habit in their lifestyle and the results speak for themselves.


The Keto diet actually has tasty meals and this is why so many people stick to it and see proven results!


In this books you Will Learn…

  • Eat foods that won’t leave you hungry all day
  • 5 Common mistakes people make going Keto
  • How you can eat your favourite foods following the Keto Diet
  • Hidden Carbs that you didn’t now
  • Transitioning into Keto Diet
  • Simple ways to Count your Intake
  • Foods that are considered keto but are actually not
  • Keto on a budget options
  • 7 self disciple and Wellness hacks
  • Exercising and The keto Diet Combined
  • Morning, Lunch and Dinner options
  • Alcohol, sweets and Snacks on the Keto Diet and what you should stick to
  • 7 Myths about the Keto Diet that you should erase
  • The 10 most popular questions about Going Keto
  • What makes this diet different to the rest
  • Life changing Stories of 3 Celebtities/Athletes that Live the Keto Lifestyle
  • And Much Much More...!

PLUS a Bonus Chapter on The Top 10 Tastiest Keto Recipes AND a 30–Day done for you Keto Meal Plan


Here are just some of the Diseases reduced and Treated by Going Keto…

  • Type 1 and 2 diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Acne and Skin Problems
  • Depression And Anxiety
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Inflammation and Chronic Pain
  • Pregnancy related issues


Say 'Goodbye' to popping Fat burning pills and Say “Hello” to an alternative, safe, realistic and long term, Healthy lifestyle.


So what are you waiting for? See life changing results within No Time!

Purchase your copy today!

EAN: 9780648552291
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