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The Island Villa - Graham Lily

The Island Villa - Graham Lily

  • The perfect feel good summer read
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Marisal. A villa on a sleepy Spanish island. A place that time had forgotten. A place of long ago summers, sun-kissed memories and one terrible betrayal …

When Charlotte’s husband James tragically dies, he leaves her an unexpected gift – her grandmother’s beautiful villa, Marisal, on the Spanish island of Formentera.

As she begins to explore her new home, and heal her broken heart in the warm golden sunshine, Charlotte discovers that her grandmother Alba has been keeping secrets about her life on the island. Intrigued by her family’s hidden history, Charlotte uncovers a devastating love affair that put many lives at risk and two sisters torn apart by loss.

Can the heart-breaking truth of the island’s dark history finally be laid to rest? Or will the secrets of the past shake the new life and love that Charlotte is close to finding?

What readers are saying about The Island Villa

‘I was hooked… a beautiful story… absolutely amazing!… truly beautiful… even though I did spend most of the time blubbering into my tissues!’ Stardust Book Reviews, 5 stars

‘Gorgeous; reminding me of a Kate Morton novel… I had a difficult time wanting to put down this book most nights; staying up into the wee hours of the morning… this stunning book was a perfect summer read, and I relished every page.’ Goodreads Reviewer, 5 Stars

‘I simply adored The Island Villa … This book is beautifully written and I devoured it in a couple of daysA fantastic plot line with strong characters, I can highly recommend it.’ Goodreads Reviewer, Five Stars.

I wasn't sure what to expect with this book but after the first page, I was hooked! … I loved the chapters going from past to present. This has family relationships, love and just beautiful imagery in it, you will enjoy every single second! I highly recommend this book, great book to take to the beach this summer!’ Goodreads reviewer, Five Stars.

‘Once you start reading this book, you'll want to keep reading it! you'll instantly be transported to the Spanish island … it's a book you won't be able to put down until you finish it! Be sure to add this one to your Summer reading list!’ Bless Their Hearts Mom, Five Stars.

‘This book was a real treat! I read it in two days’. The Princess and the Pen, Five Stars.

‘This book is up there with my favourites… the descriptions of the rambling paths, streets, coves and markets are wanderlust igniting… It was gripping, dramatic and uplifting, perfect for a holiday/beach read… It’s a sign of a great book when you are left wanting more.’ Beereader Books, Five Stars.

EAN: 9781786815682
Kod produktu
Graham Lily
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