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Hell to Pay (Emily #3) - Pamela Hutchins Fagan

Hell to Pay (Emily #3) - Pamela Hutchins Fagan

  • A What Doesn't Kill You Romantic Mystery
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A frosting-covered corpse. A secret-keeping fiancé. Can a former rodeo star solve the mystery before the killer rides off into the sunset?

Emily Bernal feels like she’s finally living her happily-ever-after. Weeks away from marrying her sexy boss and adopting the little girl who stole her heart, she thought nothing could break her stride. At least until a dead-man face-plants into an anatomically correct novelty cake and Emily’s friend is charged with murder.

As she follows the crumb trail of clues, Emily must infiltrate a venomous cult and clash with her one and only nemesis. But the closer she gets to the truth, the more her fiancé pushes her away. Emily wonders if the man of her dreams is holding back something far more sinister than three little words…

Against an onslaught of dark secrets and deadly schemes, Emily must go it alone to discover her fiancé’s secret and clear her friend’s name before it’s too late.

Hell to Pay is the third standalone book in Emily trilogy set deep in the heart of Texas, and book #6 in the What Doesn't Kill You romantic mystery series. If you like rough-riding heroines, edge-of-your-saddle suspense, and twists you won’t see coming, then you’ll love USA Today best seller Pamela Fagan Hutchins’ award-winning novel.


Buy Hell to Pay to rope in a feisty romantic mystery today!


2016 WINNER USA Best Book Award, Cross Genre Fiction.


˃˃˃ See why Pamela wins contests and makes best seller lists.

  • USA Today Best Seller
  • #1 Amazon Best Seller
  • Top 50 Amazon Romantic Suspense and Mystery Author
  • Silver Falchion for Best Adult Mystery
  • USA Best Book Awards Cross-Genre Fiction
  • Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award, Romance, Quarter-finalist


˃˃˃ Once Upon A Romance calls Hutchins an 'up-and-coming powerhouse writer.'

If you like Sandra Brown or Janet Evanovich, you're going to love Pamela Fagan Hutchins. A former attorney and native Texan, Pamela splits her time between Nowheresville, Texas and the frozen north of Snowheresville, Wyoming.


˃˃˃ The Emily reviews are in, and they're good. Very, very good.

'Clear your calendar before you pick it up because you won't be able to put it down.” — Ken Oder, author of Old Wounds to the Heart

“Full of heart, humor, vivid characters, and suspense. Hutchins has done it again!” — Gay Yellen, author of The Body Business

“Everything about it shines: the plot, the characters and the writing. Readers are in for a real treat with this story.” — Marcy McKay, author of Pennies from Burger Heaven

“Hutchins is a master of tension.” — R.L. Nolen, author of Deadly Thyme

“Intriguing mystery . . . captivating romance.” — Patricia Flaherty Pagan, author of Trail Ways Pilgrims


˃˃˃ Catch more adventures with Emily and her friends in the What Doesn't Kill You romantic mysteries.

Scroll up and grab your copy of Hell to Pay today.

EAN: 9781939889362
Kod produktu
Pamela Hutchins Fagan
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