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130 Kidney Disease Juice and Meal Recipes - Joe Correa
AutorzyJoe Correa
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130 Kidney Disease Juice and Meal Recipes - Joe Correa

  • Give Your Body What It Needs to Recover Fast and Naturally
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130 Kidney Disease Juice and Meal Recipes: Give Your Body What It Needs to Recover Fast and Naturally

By Joe Correa CSN


Kidney disease is defined as any form of abnormality in these organs. These abnormalities prevent normal kidney function and lead to some serious medical conditions, mainly waste products are kept inside your body. Without a proper treatment, kidney disease can lead to complete kidney failure and a life-threatening condition.

The main causes of kidney disease are diabetes, high blood pressure, urinary tract infections, overuse of different drugs, inherited kidney disease, and of course an unhealthy diet based on highly processed foods full of different chemicals. In order to keep your kidneys healthy and prevent complications, you need to learn how to recognize the first symptoms related to kidney disease. These symptoms include poor sleep, swelling in your ankles, vomiting, overall weakness and lack of energy, shortness of breath, and urination problems. All of these symptoms should be examined by your physician to determine their cause.

Just like every other medical condition, kidney disease is closely related to a poor diet and an unhealthy lifestyle. Researchers have discovered numerous links between inflammation and some foods that are able to prevent chronic and degenerative conditions. Foods like bell peppers, cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, apples, cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, and grapes are rich in antioxidants that are able to neutralize free radicals and protect the body. These foods are the basis of a healthy, kidney-friendly diet and should be included in your meals and juices every day.

The juice and meal récipes in this book will help you to treat and overcome kidney disease and live a healthier life.

EAN: 9781635317602
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