What Is It About - Weissman Arthur B.
- Reflections and Explorations in Wonder and Bemusement
In the fifty essays of this book, the author explores a wide range of topics to better understand the mysteries inherent in life and human experience. Why is life so mysterious? Why are we fascinated by evil? What is the nature of time, of love, of death? What is universally appealing about music, and why is writing so difficult? What are our fellow animal species really like, and why do we focus so much on ourselves and our identities? These are among the many topics addressed.
Each essay begins with one or more seminal questions about the topic, and in concise but often eloquent prose the author leads the reader through an engaging thought process to answer them. At times moving and profound, the author opens himself – and, hopefully, the reader – to the wonders and puzzles of life on Earth.
To leaven the load the author sprinkles throughout several less serious essays. In these the reader may learn about the virtues of eating spaghetti, the benefits of moving house frequently, the art of bureaucratic obstruction, or the best way to get ready in the morning. These topics, too, are essential to a full appreciation of life.
EAN: 9781949756470