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Under Drake's Flag - George A. Henty

Under Drake's Flag - George A. Henty

  • A Tale of the Spanish Main
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With 30 pages of additional articles, references, and bibliographies of recommended reading. The high seas adventures of Sir Francis Drake, as he sails The Golden Hind into dangerous encounters with Spanish ships, and privateers. Henty places Ned Hearne, a young Devonshire lad, aboard Drake's ship where they set out to sail around the world. Ned and his newfound companions, join in some wild exploits on the Spanish Main, are washed ashore on an island, and then become embroiled in the first successful insurrection against Spain in the western islands. Again joining Drake's ship, they fall into the dangers of the Inquisition. Now an able seaman, Ned skillfully eludes capture and sets sail to England where he is handsomely rewarded by the Queen. Thinking it's time to settle down, he finds himself called upon once again, by the Queen, to assist in the defeat of the Spanish Armada and end of the Iberian domination of the seas. The Henty History Series - Learning History Through Fiction The Henty series is a unique way of learning about history. It consists of over 80 novels, each written by George A. Henty, and each featuring a significant historical person, period or event. * Perfect for busy people who have never lost their desire to learn. * An ideal way for homeschool students to learn history. * Organized by time period. * With additional nonfiction articles and a bibliography of recommended reading. "If you want to fall in love with history, there is simply no better way to do it than this."

EAN: 9781611791822
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George A. Henty
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