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gaz regan's ANNUAL MANUAL for Bartenders, 2012 - Gary Regan
AutorzyGary Regan
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gaz regan's ANNUAL MANUAL for Bartenders, 2012 - Gary Regan

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gaz regan's Annual Manual for Bartenders, 2012 is the go-to book for professional bartenders worldwide. The Joy of Mixology, regan's groundbreaking 2003 work, has become required reading for staff members at many of today's top cocktail lounges, and this new book is, in many ways, a sequel to that best-selling title. And the success of gaz regan's Annual Manual for Bartenders, 2011 proves that point, reaching the Top 50 Books in the Spirits & Cocktails category on Amazon. gaz regan's Annual Manual for Bartenders, 2012 is directed specifically at working bartenders, not consumers, and this not only makes it stand apart from every other book in this genre, it also adds appeal directly to the men and women who actually hold forth from behind the mahogany.  The Annual Manual is a book that bartenders can call their own. What's inside? The Mindful Bartender chapter in last year's Annual Manual caused a ripple that was felt throughout the global bartending community, and Regan followed it up with Mindful Bartender presentations in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Beirut, and Dubai. This year's edition highlights some of the bartenders who employ mindfulness at work, and have had some amazing results, along with a few more wisdom from gaz himself. The chapter titled Bartender Quotes of the Year highlights what thoughtful, caring, and sharing bartenders have said in print over the past 12 months that are sure to inspire the best in everyone who stands behind the stick. A new section titled Bartenders' Bartenders of the Year features this year's "best of the best" dedicated professionals as recommended by their peers and colleagues. Out of the 500+ suggestions received by gaz, the nine featured bartenders proved they truly are top shelf. Recipients of the 2011 "Fabulous Bartender of the Year" gazzer Awards held during the Manhattan Cocktail Classic-including Andy Wells, Anthony DeSerio, Chad Doll, Duggan McDonnell, Jackson Cannon, Jason Littrell, Jessica Gonzalez, Lynnette Marrero, Lynn House, Neyah White, Salvatore Calabrese, and Stan Vadrna-are now joined by an international bevy of 19 new recipients who now possess a coveted gazzer bobblehead of their own. This year gaz also presents at some of the best Bar Bloggers of the year and highlights some fabulous bar geekery before he signs off for the year. Add to this the second part of his serialized autobiography, you have a veritable compendium of a book, put together with love and kisses by a bartender, for bartenders. For bartenders everywhere, no library is complete without this book, a collector's  reference book that will get frequent use for years to come.

EAN: 9781907434013
Kod produktu
Gary Regan
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