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The Juice Habit Made Easy - Friar Jem
AutorzyFriar Jem

The Juice Habit Made Easy - Friar Jem

  • With Tips, Tricks & Healthy Fruit & Vegetable Juice Recipes
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Learn how to effortlessly adopt the routine of regularly having fresh juices in your life. This book has been written for people who are new to juicing, people who have already tried juicing but struggled to juice as much as they would have wanted to ' even for people who juice regularly but would love some more ideas about how to make juicing easier. This information can be applied equally to home juicing for health, when following a juice diet for weight loss or doing a juice detox or juice fast.

The author, Jem Friar, is trained in Naturopathy ' has specialized in running juice fasting health detox retreats since 2000, so he is bringing a wealth of knowledge that can make it much easier to adopt a juicing lifestyle. The book is laid out in a very simple to follow manner.

The Juice Habit Made Easy firstly gives an overview of all of the benefits of juicing to inspire ' inform you as to why it would be good to drink juices more often. The nutritional ' detox benefits provided by fresh juices are awesome! It then details how to set yourself up for regular juicing by describing the different juicers that are available (with pros ' cons) ' letting you know what other equipment you will need in your kitchen.

The tips ' tricks section provides invaluable ' very practical advice to help you to become “a juicer.” These suggestions are the result of Jem having worked with ' supported thousands of people to embrace healthier ways of living so they are highly effective.

There is also a chapter on how to encourage children to get into fresh juicing. A must-read for any parent who is trying to make their children eat more healthily.

Finally, there are a selection of juice recipes to make at home. These are delicious ' varied to encourage the use of a wide range of fruits ' vegetables when juicing.

All in all this is an incredibly helpful ' inspiring book that has been designed to improve your health ' vitality by making it very easy to have more fresh juices in your daily life.

EAN: 9781681859736
Kod produktu
Friar Jem
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