Don't Leave It All To The Teachers - Alleyne EdD Dr Dean
- Parenting and Schooling Revised Edition
Don’t Leave It All To The Teachers: D r D E A N A
This book stems from thirty-two years in teaching. It aims to take parents into the child’s learning environment without the stress which some parents have of schools and teachers and to show them some key aspects of schooling which can have a lasting effect on a child’s education and life chances. I do not intend to lecture to parents on how they ought to bring up their children. Instead, I merely set out to provide them with some of the tools with which to enhance their children’s success at school a kind of tool-kit. It is not meant to be a blueprint for success but an aid to success.
Here are some of the topics covered
• Preparing the child for primary secondary transfer
• Going beyond the parents-evening
• Schoolwork, homework and teacher expectation
• Seeing the home as an extension of the school
• Family values and how they influence a child’s schooling
• How to be a Positive Parental Role-model
The book is written in a style and language and with illustrations that make it easily accessible to parents of all ethnic communities.
‘DON’T LEAVE IT ALL TO THE TEACHER’ is a companion guide for parents, but it
is equally good for teachers in their inseparable journey in the education of children.
Dr Alleyne’s guidance over a range of processes will help parents understand how to support their
children in their learning, but it will also help teachers in their understanding of some of the
problems faced by this group of students. I am an experienced teacher in secondary schools
in London UK. I am also a retired Head Teacher of a Secondary School, as well as a former
Chair of Governors of both a Primary and a large Secondary school. From these various
perspectives I recommend this guide as a ‘must-read’ to parents and teachers.
—John E. Prince (MA Econ. Of Ed. London)Close
EAN: 9781640457997