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The Exodus Road to Health and Healing - Clark Linda
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The Exodus Road to Health and Healing - Clark Linda

  • A Timely Message for God's End-Time People
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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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If God is so powerful and loving, why are so many people sick and dying? This question invariably exists in the backdrop of the heart-felt prayers of every hurting child of God. For the sick and suffering, the question is paramount--how does God decide who lives and who dies? Who is healed and who is not? The author, Linda Clark, relates the circumstances surrounding her own serious illness as she discovered answers to these difficult questions. Linda expounds on the recommendation of the Apostle Paul to find answers by exploring the story of the ancient Israelites: “Now these things happen to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.” The author discusses the similarities between the temptations and trials that the children of Israel went through prior to entering the promised land and the uncanny resemblance to trials God's people are facing today.

In The Exodus Road to Health and Healing, Linda makes a comparison between the promised blessing of Jesus for those who followed after Him when He said, “…He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” But this promise against the results of degeneration and pain mankind is experiencing today leaves many disillusioned with a God who seemingly does not hear or appears to heal arbitrarily without rhyme or reason. Conversely, the author reveals how we may turn this seeming curse around, removing the barriers between man and God's healing mercy. What stands between mankind and holding the keys of heaven? The author reveals the simple barriers of tradition that God is calling His people to come out of. She champions the will of a God who wants us to be healthy, happy, and whole, and who has entrusted us with a natural world as His abundant provision for healing. As the final days approach, it is the author's desire that God's people will be fit to come boldly before the throne of grace, claiming the promised blessings and training necessary to withstand the coming storms.

EAN: 9781479607655
Kod produktu
Clark Linda
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