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Eating the Sai Way Using Sai-Entific Methods - Mohindra O.D. Indra
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Eating the Sai Way Using Sai-Entific Methods - Mohindra O.D. Indra

  • A Simplified Food Guide for Better Health and a Cleaner Planet
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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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'Eating The Sai Way Using SAI-ENTIFIC Methods' is an autobiographical account of the author's food journey and adoption of Organic, Lactovegetarian diet to lead a healthy life. The author recounts her food sojourn, which was guided by her spiritual Guru - Swami, Sri Sathya Sai Baba's teachings. In gratitude to His Love and Compassion showered upon her, enabling her to achieve full health from a near death experience, she has described this Simple, Ancient, Indian way of eating, in her book 'Eating The Sai Way Using SAI-ENTIFIC Methods'. This book presents a practical approach to the food we eat, based on Swami's teachings. The author's faith in Swami's food teachings being the ultimate truth, guided her to implicitly follow them with discipline. During two decades of her food sojourn and her own experiences without waiting for any scientific evidence, she received her gift of full health despite her advancing age. In this easy to follow food guide the author has shared her experiences that outline the SAI-ENTIFIC guidelines that prevents us from unhealthy eating habits. In this era of polluted, adulterated, processed and agriculturally grown foods which are loaded with a variety of pesticides, herbicides, hormones, antibiotics and genetic engineering, which may have toxic effects on our organs this book helps us select wholesome nutritional pure God given food. The process of eating healthy as described in the book is easy to understand but does require strong will power, patience, perseverance and discipline to follow. At the end of it all - it is worth it, for it lets us have a healthy body and mind and a cleaner planet. All this can be achieved while still under the care of one's medical practitioner.

EAN: 9781489721273
Kod produktu
Mohindra O.D. Indra
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