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Stop Negative Thinking - Orman MD Doc

Stop Negative Thinking - Orman MD Doc

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How To Overcome Negative Thinking, Stress and Anxiety in 10 Simple Steps

I Believe Anyone Can Eliminate Stress and Anxiety Using These Proven Strategies

If you want to be happier, healthier and more peaceful, this book is for you! You will learn:

How To Eliminate Negative Thinking Before It Eliminates You

Dr. Mort Orman has been studying stress and the impact of negative thinking on your health, success and life for years. In his research, he found 10 key steps or principles anyone can use to turn themselves from a negative thinker into a positive thinker - creating an almost instant release of stress, anxiety, tension and other related problems.

One Simple Process For Turning Negative Thoughts Into Fuel For Growth

When you eliminate negative thoughts and energy from your life, you'll feel a sense of calm an inner peace like you've never felt before. But this is the power of negative thinking - when you turn your negative thoughts around, you actually create more energy and power that moves you into the direction you want to go in your life faster than you've ever moved before.

Why Going For Happiness Is The Quickest Path To What You Want

So often in life we try to be right instead of being happy. We argue to protect our viewpoint when we could just as easily let the argument go and be happy. Learn how to reprogram your mind and subconscious habits and never have another unnecessary argument again!

How To Relax No Matter What's Going On

One of the keys to stress relief is being able to relax your mind and body. In this book, you'll learn proven strategies for instantly relieving stress and relaxing your body - without any drugs or chemicals!

About The Author

MORT (Doc) ORMAN, M.D. is an Internal Medicine physician, author, stress coach, and founder of the Stress Mastery Academy. He has been teaching people how to eliminate stress, without managing it, for more than 30 years. He has also conducted seminars and workshops on reducing stress for doctors, nurses, veterinarians, business executives, students, the clergy, and even the F.B.I. Dr. Orman's award-winning book, The 14 Day Stress Cure (1991), is still one of the most helpful and innovative books on the subject of stress ever written. Dr. Orman and his wife, Christina, a veterinarian, live in Maryland.

EAN: 9781631610073
Kod produktu
Orman MD Doc
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