It's All Coming Back - Jon Kahn
- On Love After the War
They married in London, in a romantic whirlwind in 1946: neither of them really knowing anything about the other, but both realising that their respective families had many strange and sometimes awful memories. Helmut was Jewish and had been born in Germany, urbane and with a huge personality to match his body; Anne-Marie was Swedish, educated, emancipated and permissive.
On their honeymoon, they walked through Copenhagen, both yearning to make a new start. But they still had secrets to share, and they knew that doing so could open new wounds. He wanted to talk to her about his feelings on being saved, like most of his family, while so many others were killed... and the destiny of his beloved uncle, Karl Landauer, who was not allowed to come to Sweden. She wondered how to tell him of her mother’s tragic death and about her father’s German-friendly policies. And what if the Germans had occupied Sweden?
EAN: 9781912145621