CBEST Reading Practice Tests - SAM Exam
- CBEST Test Preparation Reading Study Guide
Exam SAM’s CBEST Reading Practice Tests Study Guide covers all of the types of reading questions on the CBEST exam.
There are three complete CBEST practice reading tests for you to study, for a total of 150 exam questions in the study guide.
Practice test 1 guides you through each of the types of questions step by step with detailed explanations.
In part 1, you will also see CBEST reading exam tips and test-taking strategies.
Practice tests 2 and 3 also have in-depth explanations for each answer so that you can learn how to answer all of the types of questions on the CBEST reading test.
The reading practice tests in this book cover the skills that are assessed on the actual CBEST reading test:
Using an index or table of contents
Identifying where specific information is located within a book
Understanding the author’s purpose
Determining the meaning of unknown words
Drawing conclusions
Summarizing information from a passage
Using key transition and linking words
Recognizing the main idea and supporting details
Identifying the style of writing or intended audience
Understanding the author’s viewpoint
Discerning facts from opinions
Determining the relevance of ideas to the selection
Interpreting information from a table, chart, or graph
Determining the correct order of events or steps in a process
Arranging ideas logically within a selection
Drawing inferences from information in a selection
Understanding the author’s persuasive technique or strategies
Understanding the organizational scheme of a selection
Ascertaining the relationship between meaning and context
Identifying the author’s assumptions
Comparing and contrasting the ideas stated in the selection
Identifying varying interpretations of a word
Finding the title of a selection
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EAN: 9781949282085