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Her Wicked Longing - Lauren Smith

Her Wicked Longing - Lauren Smith

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Fans of Julia Quinn’s Bridgerton Series and Johanna Lindsey’s Malory series will delight in this swoonworthy adventurous romance series with roguish heroes and feisty, intelligent heroines!

Her Wicked Longing contains two new short teaser stories starring Audrey Sheridan and her maid Gillian Beaumont!

What trouble can a young lady with a talent for mischief and her maid get into in just one day?

His Wicked Maid-

Always prim and proper, lady’s maid Gillian Beaumont has never acted with wild abandon the way her young headstrong mistress does. But deep down she dreams of a life filled with love and a husband who will give her his whole heart even though she knows it’s impossible. With a list of chores from her mistress, Gillian is given the chance to live the life of a gentle lady, and she clings to it, knowing that soon it will be over. While wearing a dress meant for her lady, she catches the eye of a handsome earl and is swept away from her duties by his rakish good looks and charm. Heated looks in public and passionate kisses in a dark corner of a bookshop create a perfect day for Gillian to cling to when she returns to her real life…

Her Wicked Lessons- 

Determined to learn the art of the spy trade, Miss Audrey Sheridan, finds a way to escape a dull afternoon tea by running off to the residence of an infamous French Courtesan. Hoping to improve her French for a future mission to the continent, she never expects to be caught by the one man who haunts her dreams: Jonathan St. Laurent, the former servant-turned-brother of a duke. With one penetrating look from those bewitching green eyes of his, Audrey knows she’s in trouble. Unable and unwilling to confess her real reason for visiting a French courtesan, Audrey decides to convinces Jonathan she’s there to learn the art of seduction. But she never expects the devilish rogue to take her lessons seriously…

*Note: These are short stories of under 10,000 words that will prepare readers for Gillian’s happily ever after in The Earl of Pembroke and Audrey’s happily ever after in His Wicked Secret.

EAN: 9781947206014
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Książka jest już u mnie. Chwilkę na nią czekałam, ale kupiłam ją, gdy jeszcze była w druku. Gdy tylko się ukazała, raz, dwa, trzy i pojawił się kurier z przesyłką. Teraz już czekam na wieczór, by móc zasiąść do lektury dzieła autorstwa fantastycznej dziewczyny, którą znam z parkrun. Pozdrawiam!