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The Mosaic - Gilbert Creutzberg

The Mosaic - Gilbert Creutzberg

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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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The haunting, epic tale, The Mosaic begins when Gilbert is eleven years old and the Nazis invade his country. After Holland capitulates, Gilbert returns to school to find the seat of a Jewish classmate empty. As resistance to the occupation grows, Gilbert's father, a minister, joins the rising voices of dissent. Gilbert's cousin, a nurse, rescues a newborn Jewish baby. Soon, conflict erupts between Nazi collaborators and the church. The Reverend Kwint, successor to Gilbert's father, is taken in for interrogation by the Gestapo for suspected aid to Jewish citizens. A year later, the Nazis order the church to be torn down to make way for the Atlantic Wall. The colossal mosaic by Johan Thorn-Prikker, depicting the Last Supper, is salvaged. This sweeping first-hand account narrates the struggle of life in Nazi-occupied Holland during the war, the hardship of the years that follow and raises questions that remain in a world where fascism and torture are still rife. In Gilbert's story, the rescued mosaic becomes a powerful symbol of our broken world, of the betrayal of our humanity and yet, in the end, also a symbol of the hope for redemption. ABOUT THE AUTHOR-Author Gilbert Creutzberg drew on his own experiences of his youth in Nazi-occupied Holland in writing The Mosaic. He grew up in The Hague and lives in New York City; having spent most of his career working in substance abuse rehabilitation, he continues to work part-time at an outpatient clinic. Gilbert is also an amateur musician and photographer. He enjoys playing bridge, loves swimming, horseback riding, ping-pong and tennis, practices daily yoga and meditation, and spends weekends with friends at his wooded property tucked away in the Pocono mountains of Pennsylvania. Publisher's website: http://www.strategicpublishinggroup.com/title/TheMosaic.html

EAN: 9781609767723
Kod produktu
Gilbert Creutzberg
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Komiks dotarł w nieskazitelnym stanie - co jest tym bardziej warte odnotowania, ponieważ nie był firmowo zapakowany w folię. Tak więc pozdrawiam i polecam, Piotr Frontczewski.