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Pimps and Priests - Joseph Turner
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Pimps and Priests - Joseph Turner

  • A Story of Secret NSA Gay Conversion Therapy being forced on America!
110,30 zł
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This is the continuation of Joseph Turner’s story of survival, redemption, and salvation. In this candid and inspiring narrative, he draws from the secrets about the New World Order as provided by Glen Greenwald and Edward Snowden in the book, No Place to Hide. This follow-up work is also a more insightful look at the marginilazation endured by the LGBT community not only in Oklahoma but across America. Many of these LGBT members are most certainly veterans, probably even disabled veterans like Turner who have been denied medical care and benefits. It would not be hard to view this neglect and ostracism as a form of purification through crucifixion.

This sequel builds upon the lessons shared in Kingdom of Heaven, the first book in this series. It explains that the Love of Money is the root of much evil and to ward off that evil two people must vow to one another to share their burdens in this difficult indentured life, much as monks have done in monasteries for centuries. Furthermore, this book stresses that our interpretation of the Gospels according to Christ has changed over time, and hopefully we can accept Christ’s true message and so embrace the need for liberty and love for all others.

When operatives of the Western European NSA adopt the guise of the Church and masquerade as priests to roam in so-called places of Holy Worship, then do not become dismayed when you think to have seen a son of God lurking in the darkness and performing sin. Hopefully, this book will open your eyes to the truths surrounding us. So please get a cup of coffee or some green tea at the Red Cup Café in Oklahoma City and partake in these revelations!

EAN: 9780997065749
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