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The Advocate - Jaroslaw Jankowski

The Advocate - Jaroslaw Jankowski

  • Your Guide to the ESFJ Personality Type
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Discover a compendium of knowledge on the advocate - ESFJ personality type! As you explore this book, you will find the answer to a number of crucial questions:

* How do advocates think and what do they feel? How do they make decisions? How do they solve problems? What makes them anxious? What do they fear? What irritates them?
* Which personality types are they happy to encounter on their road through life and which ones do they avoid? What kind of friends, life partners and parents do they make? How do others perceive them?
* What are their vocational predispositions? What sort of work environment allows them to function most effectively? Which careers best suit their personality type?
* What are their strengths and what do they need to work on? How can they make the most of their potential and avoid pitfalls?
* Which famous people correspond to the advocate's profile?
* Which nation displays the most features characteristic of this personality type?

This book is part of the ID16 Personality Types series.

ID16 is a personality typology which draws on the theory developed by Carl Gustav Jung. Typologies formulated on the basis of Jung's theory are widely used in teaching, training, coaching and human resource management, as well as in career and relationship counselling. They also form a basis for numerous programmes supporting personal development and improving interpersonal relationships. The majority of global businesses employ Jungian personality tests as a standard tool in their recruitment procedures and vocational development processes.

Table of Contents

ID16 and Jungian Personality Typology
The Advocate (ESFJ)
* The Personality in a Nutshell
* General character traits
* Socially
* Work and career paths
* Potential strengths and weaknesses
* Personal development
* Well-known figures
The ID16 Personality Types in a Nutshell
Additional information
Recommended publications
About the Author

EAN: 9788379810512
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