Day By Day - Richard L. Day
- Tails and Trails of a Grandfather
Whatever your age, you will love and relate to the many tales, trials, and trails of a grandfather. Doctor Day has lived an adventurous and very interesting life! From his birth in a Southern Michigan lakeside cottage in 1933 .... to living in Chicago, to Memphis, and more, in his growing-up years. Then, to Fairbanks, Alaska, serving in the United States Army .... on to the University of Michigan as a dental student .... culminating with living in Alaska after graduation and marriage to his "Love at First Sight'' Michigan co-ed. Then, for the next five years he practiced dentistry in Petersburg, a small Norwegian fishing village on Mitkof Island in Southeast Alaska.
The five years he and his wife Sali, and daughters, Holly and Heather, lived in Petersburg were filled with fabulous Norwegian Smorgasbords and Dungeness crab feeds, popular high school basketball games, hunting deer, moose, bear, and mountain goat, and fishing for silver salmon. There were two challenges, one was adapting to the continual precipitation (yearly rainfall of 110 inches), the other his dental frustration with all the orthodontic problems he could see but could not solve. This led to his applying to the Orthodontic Program at the University of Michigan, and another 3,000-mile trip down the Alcan Highway to Ann Arbor. With an Orthodontic Degree in hand, the Day's began their 3,800 mile "Alaska or Bust" trip back up the Alcan Highway to Anchorage to start their second chapter of Alaskan living.
There are stories from childhood, Sewanee Military Academy, the Army, University life, marriage, Nome, big game hunting, his cabin at Lake lliamna, divorce, and remarriage. You will laugh, you will cry, and you will see God's hand of provision and protection in the author's life, as well as God's hand of direction and correction from birth to age 90!!
EAN: 9781957351612