La Manjai - Jean Jouvens
- Haiti From the Belly Up
"LA MANJAI" transports the reader on a journey of traditional Haitian Creole cuisine to a place of gastronomic seduction from the authors' perspective of the cuisine. The authors are professional chefs of Haitian origin who have added their "je ne se quoi" to traditional recipes to showcase the cuisine's exotic flavors. The magical appeal of Haitian Creole cuisine is in its unpretentious nature. The flavors are bold and robust. The cuisine demonstrates a primary influence of African culinary aesthetic with a derivative of Taino, Spanish, Middle Eastern and a touch of French sophistication. This eclectic cuisine originates from a blend of several culinary styles. Haitian Creole cuisine carries a uniqueness and an appeal that is intriguing to all that have sampled it. Peppers and herbs are often used as flavor enhancers. Haitian Creole food is seasoned in a liberal fashion to captivate the palate. The authors have taken some of their favorite recipes and added "YON TI EPIS" (pun intended) to them as to harmonize the cuisine through their Chef lens.
EAN: 9781779625403