I'm Just Like You - Elzey m.e.
This is an autobiographical essay titled; I'm Just Like You. It is a story about living my life with a facial difference. My facial difference was the aftereffect of bulbar polio. Unlike the most common type of the polio virus (infantile paralysis) bulbar polio paralyzed and caused atrophy in various parts the upper left side of my body. The seventh cranio nerve was affected more than other nerves in the bulbar region of my brain.
More than the physical effects of the virus, it is an expose' about the bigotry I and others like me encountered nearly every day. The bigotry ranges from a subtle second look to a violent reaction. I share the stories in my life that have made me who I am today. The discrimination felt by the facial difference community is experienced by many people who are different for other reasons, black and brown people, ethnicity, LGBTQ community, women, disabled, some religions, and many others. The intent is to bring awareness to our situation so we can begin making sustainable societal changes that enable many different people to have a seat at the table.
EAN: 9781734054682