- The Missing Bit to the Law of Abundance
The author lives in Northern Ireland and has been a psychic and spiritual seeker for most of her life. Based on her real life experiences, she argues that there is something missing from our knowledge when we attempt to apply the Law of Attraction. No matter how much we've read, this missing awareness means that we fail to make the most of our opportunities. We try to attract and sometimes we fail. Being aware of the knowledge outlined in this book, gained through decades of spiritual searching, should help you move to a different level of belief in yourself and your ability to attract to you what you most desire. You will shift to a greater positivity and a greater belief, knowing that spirit supports you in your innermost desires and that there is little in the way of your achieving them. To her knowledge, this missing piece of information has not been much covered by New Age writers and certainly not from their own experience. We live in a world that we believe to be real. Let the author persuade you otherwise.
The author holds an M.A. in languages and a D.F.Astrol.S. from the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London. She has worked as a legal translator, research assistant in psychology, tourist guide and teacher. She's been involved in spirituality and positive thinking from the age of thirteen and is extremely well-read on the subject.
Originally from Derry in the North West, she returns there when she can and this book is not just a guide to better self-awareness, it is also a memoir of her own life and a hope for the future.
This is both a literary type memoir and an exploration of positive thinking. It speaks from the author's own experience and in places is very funny.
EAN: 9781967109654