Dodo Yeesho in Chennai - Hosanee Yeeshtdevisingh
- The magical bag and stick in Python, Swift and Scala Programming languages in the Era of Artificial Intelligence (Level 1-5), The Transdisciplinary and Interdisciplinary School With Canara Pearlspot, Shikra bird, Indian Star Tortoi
Yeeshtdevisingh is today a versatile IT professional, specializing in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). With a background in computer science and software engineering, she has contributed to the IT community in Mauritius. The world is not linear, but iterative. Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary education is little discussed because our educational system is mono-disciplinary and mono-representative. Hence, Generation Z and Alpha are becoming our priorities.
This book shows how a flyless Dodo Yeesho can use his magic stick and bag to turn into different animals while travelling in Chennai, a city in India. In an era of Artificial Intelligence (AI), where everything seems magical, Dodo will turn himself into one of the zoo species at a particular time.
Endangered specifies include the Canara Pearlspot, Indian Star Tortoise, Moluccan Cockatoo and Asian Elephant. The Shikra birds are still being widespread in Asia. Dodo Yeesho will discover the living of these species by practicing computer programming codes in Python, Swift and Scala.
The book is in English.
EAN: 9781836547310