The Unfinished War - PRINCEWILL LAGANG
- Rebels, Regimes, and International Stakes in DR Congo and Rwanda
The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Rwanda have long been embroiled in violent conflicts that have deeply affected the region's political landscape. These struggles are rooted in a mix of local uprisings, corrupt governments, and foreign involvement, creating a cycle of instability.
The Unfinished War delves into the historical and modern factors fueling these conflicts, including the lingering effects of colonialism and the role of resources in sparking violence. Economic interests have often driven the power dynamics, with nations and groups vying for control of valuable land and minerals.
Through its examination, the book asks a critical question: What has kept peace out of reach in this region? By analyzing the past and present, it offers insights into the ongoing battle for stability and justice in the Great Lakes region.
EAN: 9788267923416