The Chameleon - Rita Signorelli-Pappas
Serving House Books presents the third poetry collection from Rita Signorelli-Pappas.
The Chameleon
Grateful acknowledgment is made to the editors of the following magazines in which these poems, sometimes in different form, first appeared:
Claudel Studies: "Asylum Journal: The Internment of Camille Claudel"
The Cresset: "Harem" "Magdalene"
Crosscurrents: "Daybook: Leonard Woolf"
Cumberland Poetry Review: "Swans" and "Face in the Glass"
Interim: "A Child's Blindness"
The Literary Review: "Bacchus Sees Ariadne"
The Midwest Quarterly: "Themes of Initiation"
Poet Lore: "Shelley's Heart"
San Jose Studies: "Fasting Woman"
Serving House Journal: "The Chameleon"
Southern Humanities Review: "Sunflowers"
The Women's Review of Books: "Memoir: Phillipa Chaucer"
EAN: 9781947175679