Arab Oil Money - Toxic Cocktail - Eric Thomsen
Arab Oil concessions, foreign corporation etc. have been "nationalized" or terms have been "renegotiated" in order to provide an even bigger transfer om European wealth to the Oil Arabs.
There was a cartel
OPEC was originally born in September of 1960 when six countries with large oil preserves came together in Iraq. These countries were Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. They controlled around 60 per cent of oil reserves and production.
OPEC was a cartel
Due to the low price of oil media outlets have been abuzz with news that OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) is attempting to increase the price of crude oil by price fixing. Price fixing is an unequivocally illegal practice which involves the collusion of several parties to set a desired price. Price fixing is highly illegal yet OPEC practices it openly and regularly. So why is OPEC legal? The most simple answer is that OPEC is an intergovernmental organization and other governments are not subject to U.S. courts. I will first give some background on OPEC and then give a more in-depth analysis of why OPEC continues to operate today without barriers.
It is totally unacceptable that there are one - detrimental - application of the "rules" to the Europeans and another - beneficial - application of the rules to the Muslims, the Black African, to whoever is not a European...
It is totally unacceptable that the "rules" are detrimental to Europeans and beneficial only to Muslims, Black Africans and other minorities... Not only is this totally unacceptable - it is also contrary to the very European norms these minorities are calling upon to thwart and subdue the Europeans.
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