The Endless Hole - Ron Mueller
The Endless Hole
Joe and his team left the Cosmos Odessey and returned to Earth. He arranged for his team to modify Doorship Two and rename it the Cosmos Voyager. He and his team were explorers. He was determined to continue the exploration of universe and the galaxies. He had the Cosmos Voyager upgraded to make it comparable to the Odessey.He additionally added two small fighter craft and had the Voyager infrastructure reinforced. He then had the team practice until they could handle he Voyager with their eyes closed. He left nothing to chance.
Finally, the Voyager was ready and made its journey through the Hole. They were greeted by an onslaught that they had not expected. Their practicing had paid off. Joe was able to use the Hole cannon as a weapon to eliminate the biggest of the space craft delivering a brutal onslaught to the Voyager. The enemy was defeated but the Voyager had lost an entire section of their six sided wheel. It was on the verge of collapse. Joe's immediate action is to retreat through the hole back to Earth.
Once back he had extensive modifications made to the Voyager that made it he most formidable weapon that he and his two Rear Admirals could possibly make it.
On return to the galaxy that had almost destroyed the Voyager they confronted the population on the planet. The rudimentary communication let Joe know that the beings were the survivors of the fifth planet that was nothing more than a burned, black ball. That destruction had been caused by beings from a distant solar system.
The beings on the planet sent up a warning that caused Joe and his team to pick up an object approaching from a distant solar system at a third the speed of light. On its arrival, the massive spaceship made the Voyager appear to be the size of a dingy. An attempt at establishing friendly communication with them is met with the launch of missiles.
Joe orders the Hole cannon to take out the control center of the massive ship.
The massive ship it then rigged to become a massive explosive, a trojan horse and then flown back to the solar system of its origin. There it is met by three similar ships that surrounded it. A massive hard fought battle ensues and in the end the Hole cannon causes the planet to self-destruct and become dust and steam orbiting its star.
Joe and his team return to Earth and have to recover from the guilt of having demolished a planet populated by intelligent beings. The recovery is slow but Joe ensures that everyone realizes that he gave the orders to ensure the teams survival.
The team once again goes out and to explore the far galaxies and do so with the mind set of establishing friendly relationships with the beings that they might find.
The expanded Cosmos fleet meets an Alien Sentinal ship that destroys the USS Cosmos Odessey and in the ensuing battle the remaining two ships destroy that Sentinal Ship. They once again return to Earth to get the two remaining ships repaired and to replace the Odessey. Their continued journies are assured by getting all ships upgraded in fire power and staffing. They become one of the most sophisticated battle hardened "friendly" explorers that kickass when kicked.
EAN: 9781682239384