Professor Lundy's Guide to Rock Music Connoisseurship - Duane Emerson Lundy
- Developing Defendable Aesthetic Judgment and Discovering the Most Worthwhile Music Experiences
This empirical and theoretical book should be of interest to anyone who dares to consider the contentious topic of measuring and justifying aesthetic value in music, as well as the issue of how experts compare to nonexperts in terms of aesthetic fluency, aesthetic sensitivity and aesthetic judgment in appraising music. The book should be both practical and personal for anyone who has a music collection and loves to see it grow continuously but wisely. What makes someone an expert? The key issue I tackle is how one develops into such a connoisseur of music. Overall, the book should spark much healthy debate about music quality and aesthetics in general, both among scholars of aesthetics and the musically passionate general public. Many of the ideas for connoisseur development for music could also be applied to appraisal in other areas of aesthetics beyond music, such as films, visual art, or literature.
EAN: 9781627344562