Science's Dead End, Religions' Opening, and a Restart for Meaning - Christopher Ted
The modern scientific view of life is purely mechanistic and DNA-driven. Author Ted Christopher argues against the materialist perspective promoted by scientists, which reduces human existence to biochemical processes with a genetic foundation. In Science's Dead End, Religions' Opening, and a Restart for Meaning he presents a number of behavioral phenomena inconsistent with materialism and evolution; highlights the failures of genomic searches to confirm DNA origins for many traits and diseases; and explores religious/mystical experiences as potential evidence for alternative and religious viewpoints.
The book is a critique of scientific materialism and advocates a consideration of different perspectives on the nature of life and meaning. This book is a more accessible that his previous academic-oriented publication (Meaning Beyond Molecules and Hubris), and focused on encouraging readers to simply question the prevailing scientific narrative and also consider broader explanations for life and consciousness.
EAN: 9781629672809