Inside the Design Industry - Brittney Herrera
- Navigating Your First Steps in Commercial Architecture, Interior Design, and Environmental Branding
Turn your passion for design into a successful career!
Politics. Unwritten rules. Your talent is undeniable, but succeeding in a leading design firm requires more than just skill-it demands an understanding of complex team dynamics.
Brittney Herrera understands the real-world challenges junior designers face. Inside the Design Industry serves as a mentor to every junior designer, demystifying the competitive world of commercial architecture, interior design, and environmental branding.
Discover how to navigate the complex culture of the industry, from landing your first job to climbing the corporate ladder. Learn to leverage your unique strengths, build a supportive community, and handle challenging situations with confidence. Packed with strategies for building a successful career, Inside the Design Industry equips you with invaluable tools to excel and find fulfillment in your journey.
EAN: 9781544547336