The Dragon Constellation - James Voorhees
Thaddeus, the vampire, is on a quest to save all of time and space as he searches for his lost love. Follow his quest as he collects the weapons needed to conquer the Immortal beast that is bound for full destruction and join him as he looks to convince the disparate players who he believes are called forth in a prophecy as they travel through this future world and its magical kingdoms.
The Dragon Constellation is an epic fantasy battle, pitching love and destruction into desperate conflict. It takes place across the centuries and realms that exist above and below. Love and loyalty are subjected to powerful magic and lawless forces that are intent on disruption and destruction.
Who is to be trusted? Who is to be feared? Who is not what they seem?
This huge, cinematic journey follows the heroic deeds and adventures of Vampire, Monk and the eclectic band of Ambassadors in their legendary fight against evil.
EAN: 9781964126111