Walking With God in the 21st Century - Martin Kaonga
The twenty-first century Christians are facing serious unprecedented challenges of dechristianization of vital institutions in our societies, propagation of antichristian beliefs, persecution of the Church, proliferation of false teachers and false prophets, pursuit of pleasure, a cultural revolution against Christianity propped by science, technology, and negative media coverage, and outlawing of Christianity. In some countries, owning a Bible, sharing the gospel, conversion to Christianity, and even mere suspicion that one is a Christian can attract a prison or death sentence.
Natural and hum-induced disasters are presented as proof of a non-existent or powerless God. In view of these challenges, is walking with God in the twenty-first century a realistic expectation or a mere illusion? This book is suitable for Church leaders, theology students and other Christians who seek to understand what it means to walk with God in a hostile environment.
EAN: 9781068650277