- A Sailing Odyssey
In the first book Never Die Wondering - Alistair Macleod story, you learned how the author was forced to leave his beloved cattle property in the Snowy Mountains of Australia, due to the worst drought in living memory.
What happened next?
Undaunted, Alistair continued his adventurous life exploring countries throughout the world with the likes of Papua New Guinea that is regarded by many travellers as the last frontier. This book is the sequel, Never Die Wondering II - A Sailing Odyssey. You will be inspired to find that Alistair matched the charisma of his High-country lifestyle of horse riding and the freedom of the bush with sailing. As Isak Dinesen said, the cure for anything is saltwater - sweat, tears, or the sea.
Come on an adventure with Alistair as he learns how to sail on Port Phillip Bay and the Gippsland Lakes of Victoria. Sail into Bass Strait of southern Australia, then along the east coast to the Torres Strait, touch the top end of Australia, cross the Arafura Sea, navigate the countless islands of Indonesia, visit West Papua, and eventually, explore the many islands of the Philippines. This book covers thousands of nautical miles over a six-year period right up to the South China Sea. Read about the remarkable solo sailing, intriguing incidents on the sea, exploring exotic islands, meeting new people, creating genuine friendships, experiencing different cultures, and learning from the stories of the past. The author has a unique style of storytelling with his plain-spoken humour that enliven the narration. His love for history, travel, culture, and above all, the sea is evident in his talent for "yarns'' that comes through in his writing.
This book is the real-life story of an incredible voyage, the highs and the lows of sailing alone in the large swells, in the freezing waters of the Tasman Sea to the storms in the tropical region of the equator, and the philosophy that drives his life. This autobiography will inspire people to live their life to the fullest, to explore, and discover and to Never Die Wondering.
EAN: 9780648806530