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The Business of Writing for Children - Aaron Shepard

The Business of Writing for Children - Aaron Shepard

  • An Author's Inside Tips on Writing Children's Books and Publishing Them, or How to Write, Publish, and Promote a Book for Kids
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Writing books for children is both art and business. If you dream of becoming a children's author -- or even if you're well on your way -- this handbook can help you in writing sellable stories, getting them published, and promoting your books.

Topics include common myths about children's writing, children's book categories, elements of successful stories, manuscript format, submission strategies, contract negotiation, the publishing process, career building, and children's writer resources. Also included are specialized subjects such as querying for multiple manuscripts, promoting a first book, and self publishing.

Read "The Business of Writing for Children" to learn the secrets you might spend years discovering for yourself.


Aaron Shepard is the author of "The Baker's Dozen," "The Sea King's Daughter," and sixteen more picture books and early readers, along with several chapter books for middle grades, extensive resources for storytelling and reader's theater, and a graphic novel. His publishers have included Atheneum, Scribners, Clarion, Lothrop, Dial, and HarperCollins, as well as Cricket and Australia's School Magazine. Aaron's work has been honored by the American Library Association, the National Council for the Social Studies, the American Folklore Society, The New York Public Library, and the Bank Street College of Education. He has been a judge for the Golden Kite Awards of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators.


"BRAVO! I thought it had pretty much all been said, but I was wrong. All the nuts and bolts are here as well as rules that bear repeating, PLUS insights not usually found in how-to books. Clearly and concisely written, this is an invaluable resource for both beginning and more accomplished writers." -- Susan Pearson, Editor-in-Chief, Lothrop, Lee ' Shepard Books

"Aaron Shepard has written one of the most comprehensive guides available to anyone wishing to enter the competitive field of children's books. It's all here, from initial idea to successful sale, and then beyond to the essentials of contracts, promotion, and the ABCs of building a successful career. If you're starting out, start out here." -- Stephen Mooser, children's author

"Here's clearly-written, no-nonsense help for children's writers by a craftsman. Every fledgling author should own this book." -- Stephen Fraser, Executive Editor, Aladdin Paperbacks

"Aaron Shepard's The Business of Writing for Children is a wonderful resource. His experience-based insights into the art and business of children's writing will save beginning writers years of wasted effort -- and help published writers achieve long-term success." -- Kathleen Duey, children's author

"The Business of Writing for Children is a one-stop shopping center, a complete how-to-do-it guide for the writer who wants a jump-start on looking professional even though he/she may be turning out a first book. Editors will love you if you do it Shepard's way." -- Audrey Baird, Editor, Once Upon A Time

"A clear, concise, straight-ahead starting place for a new writer or a newly-published writer. Shepard knows his stuff!" -- Jane Yolen, children's author and editor

EAN: 9781620359044
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Aaron Shepard
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