I Didn't Say It Was Over - Melvina W
Melvina W is a certified and experienced six-figure earner in Medical Coding who shares her journey in a three-part series: Come Hell or High Water, I Didn't Say it Was Over, and Let it Go! to help new coders harness the right mindset to make a life in medical coding.
Making the money is great, but it hasn't been peaches and cream. There are some challenges to owning a business, launching a medical coding school, and coding your way to earning six figures a year. I am up for the challenge!
I teach medical coders how to get into this business every day by learning the material and helping them get and keep a job and I have been successful for years in this field. I didn't say it was over! When you start climbing the ladder to success, some people and things can get left behind. Things can backfire, and I talk about it in this book! If you want to learn and grow, come on, I got a whole lot mo' to share.
EAN: 9781945066641