The Secret of Healing and Other Miracles of the Mind - Julia Seton
Dr. Seton writes: "If we want to heal ourselves we stand with our whole life open to the positive creative Cosmic currents and let them beat through us and around us; we will then and there to pass our whole being into union with every creative universal force, and to feel the power of its energy sweeping through us; we hold our life to this higher understanding until the great flood tide of the universe comes sweeping along our veins and through our being, washing away in its resistless force all the lesser moorings which hold us to the thoughts of disease or decay; we have then the life more abundantly than is promised and we feel that we have entered into that place that is prepared for the people of God; we are healed to stay healed for the very life blood of the universe is in our veins."
EAN: 9781434468215