Just One Conscious Breath - Michael Wood
- The profoundly simple practice that moves you from reaction to response
With instant reactions and more surface distractions than ever, are you stressed out like never before?
Beneath all the noise, we yearn for a quieter, simpler, more fulfilled life. Years of experience in the corporate world and special education have seen Michael breathe the dust from his life and uncover the less travelled path of Just One Conscious Breath.
Crafted with a Bic pen at an old school desk, Michael's message is a simple one: By consciously breathing, we choose our response in the moment. This is the key to our freedom.
Drawing on the profound lessons learned from the nonspeaking autistic children he worked with and his experience as a qualified breath worker and spiritual companion, Michael presents possibilities for you to be brave and vulnerable, and to go beyond the noise, supported always by the quiet simplicity of the breath.
Just One Conscious Breath comes from a long life, often misspent. It makes no fanfare or dramatic entrance. Like the breath, it just is.
About Michael Wood
After an early career in marketing, Michael became a qualified breath worker, teacher of presence, and spiritual companion. He has learned many lessons the simple way and the hard way from the nonspeaking autistic children who inspired him during his time working alongside them.
EAN: 9781068746604