The studies collected in this volume are a selection of my papers on historical and political culture as well as historical political science. With a single exception (The Christianization of Lithuania), they have come into existence over the several decades following the year 1987, which was the year when my connection as a full-time faculty member of the then Institute, and at present the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznañ, started. The University had become my Alma Mater thirty years before, when in 1957 I commenced my historical studies at the then Faculty of Philosophy and History. Over these years I have been climbing up the ladder of the academic hierarchy taking a fascinating scientific journey through the centuries, starting in the late Middle Ages, and gradually approaching the present.1 My attention was mainly focused on myths and facts, on the historical culture of society, and the place it holds in political education. This enabled me to easily enter research studies in political science and resulted in creating a team involved in studies into political culture on an international scale.
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Bardzo dziękuję za szybką wysyłkę zamówienia, bardzo lubię u Was zamawiac książki, bo nie czekam długo, jednego dnia zamawiam, drugiego wysyłajcie. To się nazywa solidność , mogę z czystym sumieniem polecić tę księgarnię.