Little Moments - Wendy Claire Mangeant
- True Short Stories, Big Life Lessons
Nothing lifts the spirit like a story filled with wisdom and told with love.
Little Moments is an ode to joy and the pursuit of higher consciousness. In this intimate anthology of childhood recollections, Wendy Claire uses heart and humor to share her stories. They remind us that no matter how stressful or difficult things may be, they'll look brighter in the morning, and to be gentle with ourselves in the meantime.
In this compilation of life-affirming true tales, uplifting anecdotes are intricately woven with memories of growing up in the American Midwest. Each short story reflects a different facet of one of ten life skills.
Little Moments brings renewed awareness to this beautiful and complex journey called living. It invites us to pause in the midst of our busyness and say, "Tell me a story..."
EAN: 9781544546773
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