The Painted Voice - Nayak Bipin
The kaleidoscopic earth and sky saturated with colours, sounds and perfume, are packed into his capsule-like poems ever glittering, humming, exuding sweet fragrance. However, one can't help noticing an elegiac tune thrumming at the heart of the poems, of some intimacy found and lost, some moments of togetherness gone with the wind, a longing for renewal of life in love beyond time and space. Many of the poems testify to an aching heart seeking the healing balm from the benign Nature. That is why, perhaps, the poet sings with birds, yet grieves at a falling one; smiles with budding blooms; grieves at the wilting ones; rejoices at a quiet dawn propping a young sun. He too longs to offer his life to the fire of love, to lose the self to win liberation. All these speak volumes for the mind and heart that shaped the poems. Some are earthy, some skyiee, heavenly and some are exquisite fusion of both.
EAN: 9781645605867