The Change Engineer - Garry Sanderson
- Create the environment for revolutionary collaborative performance in your organisation
Are your people not doing what you want them to do? Is your organisation not delivering the outcomes you need? Start a revolution - create and lead a high-performing collaborative environment.
It takes a radical shift in mindset to cultivate the deep, effective collaboration required to meet the challenges of today's complex and fast changing business climate. The Change Engineer delivers practical strategies to achieve this. Its leadership insights will help you reshape your work environment, influence behavioural dynamics and drive transformative levels of performance.
Read The Change Engineer to make your work environment:
• Meaningful: Craft a purpose-driven leadership narrative that triggers intrinsic motivation and aligns team efforts to deliver your leadership outcomes
• Functional: Foster responsive working relationships, reinforce effective commitments, and focus leadership attention on the right things
• Fearless: Establish psychological safety to encourage candid contributions and diverse perspectives, and apply positive reinforcement to maximise discretionary effort
• Adaptive: Find out what's really going on, increase intensity of feedback, learning and knowledge sharing, and understand and address resistance to change
• Revolutionary: Change the environment, not the people, to catalyse the highest levels of collaborative performance, embracing a 'test and learn' approach
EAN: 9781781338810