Liv'n the Scout Law - Kayse Justen A.
- The Foundation to Your Success
Liv'n the Scout Law provides more than a definition of the Scout law. It explains how to apply it as a way of life.
Justen A. Kayse has looked to the law throughout his life, launching business ventures as an entreprenuer and helping others along the way. But as a young boy, he could not imagine going to a Scouting event-much less liking one.
At first, it felt to the author as though his parents were trying to force him to join a club. With a foot stomp and a mean march to his room, he refused to go until they gave up on the idea.
Weeks later, however, some Scouts came walking into his third-grade classroom and revealed all that new members could learn. In a blink of an eye, he was in, with older and wiser boys selling him on a new lifestyle.
He went home, excited about the day's adventure and eager to tell his parents that he wanted to become a Scout. Join the author as he shares what he discovered on his journey and how anyone can use the Scout law to become a leader and march toward their dreams.EAN: 9781664277007